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Mosaic Art Story: New World Cartography

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Maps have been used as a way to analyze the geographic nature of chronicles for over a century now.

Terra Incognita and maps are still employed by young scholars and literature students to better estimate the narrative course of geography, and how it could influence the narrative to a meticulous layout or landscape. These maps have been mostly influenced by passionate bookworms, thrilled to follow in the steps of their favorite book-Idols and Superhero-film characters. Travel and tourism agencies have also played a great part in exploiting the cities of blockbuster and bestseller movies and novels. Maps have not only been used to interpret and geo-locate storyline but to manipulate them as well.

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The narrative power of maps has been sanctioned widely by authors and filmmakers. Nonetheless, nowadays we witness the narrative power of maps endorsed creatively in many contemporary mosaic artworks. Although, the mosaic Map of Madaba was discovered in 1896 and became instantly renowned as an exceptional mosaic map, but the contemporary mosaic art of our time are far beyond a two-dimensional catalog of locations.

Today’s article is another short brief stop at the breathtaking Contemporary Mosaic Maps of Rachel Sager, and how to visualize the new world cartography.

About Rachel Sager:

She was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where she returned after her studies in Italy. She returned to her birthplace, with a hope to make her hobby a profession. Stubborn, sensitive, honest and creative, Sager is inspired by everything: a fairy tale, a stroll on the beach, even her nightmare dreams. With her Allegorical mosaic landscapes and map-inspired mosaic art collection, the artist wanted to highlight three-quarters of a million terms and epic fantasy. Her work has been exhibited internationally and in cities throughout the U.S. where she has received multiple Show Awards and honors.

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In harmony with the new geographic nature, Mosaicist Rachel Sager creates unique contemporary mosaic maps. She brought a classical technique to her hometown in Pittsburgh, with a “Terra Incognita” mosaic series, standing as a success story.

The New World Cartography in Sager’s Mosaics

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By mapping an area, or a continent, or even a metropolis, a map designer assures the people’s influence has well assorted beyond the margins of any specific narrative, which they have already expected, not just the margins which the scene is taking place, but the façade beyond the margins, the geometric structure in charge for creating the façade and maintaining them, the natural resources that contributed, and all the rest.

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According to Rachel, maps are beautifully designed blueprints, which contribute to a wandering human sight. A searching sight may differ, however, the act and desire will remain constant. Terra Incognita, the unknown land, is a term found in many ancient maps and used to highlight the unexplored territories, in vibrant and imaginative themes. Having spent the last several years in self-imposed map history research, she has internalized many of the topics and cultures of cartography. By centering on one single concept, Terra Incognita, she created her series of mosaic art, which gave her a clear vision and liberty to explore the boundaries of her medium.

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This mosaic collection can be honored in two distinct levels. The first level is about the momentum concept of exploration. While the second level is about aesthetics, materials, and more aesthetically oriented. Mosaic art is an art form deeply interconnected with materials. Stone, glass, ceramic, recycled or purchased; the mosaicist is always aware and respectful of her medium. The aesthetics in the maps of Rachel lead the spectator in contemplation and studies of the colors and textures, following the place they might lead, not a particular but imaginative space.

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Last but not least, nowadays we carefully explore our own Terra Incognitos using automated symbols which directly restrain the art and science of cartography. We bind ourselves with these universal symbols, feeling safely removed from the storms and sea monsters that the brave navigators knew they were facing.

But how safe is our exploration, really?

In my opinion, this exploration has the potential to change the fabric of life. Columbus and Magellan were the reason behind a new continent discovery, which opened up and transformed the world. Where the question remains:

Are we fortunate enough to find a breakthrough within the new virtual worlds or would the big unknown consequences of our research change the very nature of what it means to be human?

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Artist Portfolio: Rachel Sager

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