Sheltering at home has become the norm during the COVID 19 pandemic. While we’re all settling into new routines, it’s important to remember satisfying activities. Something that brings together our creativity and in turn creates art is great for mental health.
We’ve been covering DIY mosaic art projects for a long time on our blog, and we thought we’d remind you of some of our favorites. They’re great for family or solo activities, providing hands-on enjoyment.
So, instead of watching more Netflix or surfing the internet, try one of our ideas for a way to pass the time! We’ve highlighted some of the favorites from the past.
1. Tabletop Mosaic

Warmer weather is coming, and tiled furniture is perfect for indoor-outdoor use. It’s ready to handle spilled drinks and water condensation – tough to beat! If you have a table that’s a good candidate for an update, try a DIY tabletop mosaic project.
As the mosaic art you create will take a little time to dry between each step, you can take advantage of your extra free time, and create something you’re proud of.

We’ve also covered some fantastic design inspiration for your mosaic art table tops. Depending on the shape of your table, style of your home, or available materials, there are infinite possibilities. If you feel like you’re all thumbs at sketching out your design, you might check out some of our custom mosaic options in our catalog. They can be sized to the proportions you need.

2. Mosaic Coasters

Another summer staple: Coasters! We love the simplicity of this type of project. It’s suitable for all ages, and the end result can be enjoyed almost immediately.
The supplies are easy to find, and since the dimensions are small, this isn’t an intimidating first-time custom mosaic piece. You can work with individual, pre-cut tiles, or make your own pieces from broken ceramics – just like Gaudí!

DIY mosaic coasters just might be your favorite coronavirus quarantine project. In future years, you’ll be able to look back at this challenging time with a favorite beverage in hand.
3. Garden Accents Galore
From flower pots to wall decor – mosaic art designs are perfect for your outdoor living areas. They’re weatherproof and the colors stay just as bright as the first day!

We’re happy to get you started with ten ways to add mosaics to your backyard. If you’d like detailed instructions on how to make your own numbered address sign, this blog will help.

Flowerpots are another really satisfying type of DIY mosaic. People of all skill levels and ages can participate in decorating planters. As you progress in skills, you can move from simple mosaic designs to more intricate work. It’s a great introduction to the basics of mosaic art.

4. Home Renovation With DIY Mosaic Art

Considering a change such as tiled countertops? We have a blog full of the best mosaic countertop ideas for your next project. As you can see, there are many ways to express your creativity by using recycled mosaic materials, or by installing a pre-made design.

And remember: mosaic art increases the value of your home!
5. Boxes and Trays

If you’ve enjoyed some of our previous project spotlights, you’ve probably thought about trying this type of mosaic art yourself. It’s another easy way to create something useful and attractive!
From flower boxes to a recycled wooden cigar box, you and your family can enjoy this together.
Since many of us are thinking about growing our own herbs and vegetables while we spend more time at home, why not add some fun and pizzazz to each planter?

Trays are another flat surface that work well with DIY mosaic art. It’s easy to figure out patterns and apply the pieces on smooth wood.

These would be a fun addition to our mosaic coaster projects. As you build up confidence on the smaller coasters, you can start planning for a larger piece like these trays.

6. Plan for Future Holidays

DIY Easter decor gifts or holiday items are a productive way to pass the time. We’re always fans of spending time together and making something meaningful for a friend or loved one.

Mosaic art gifts are perfect for any occasion. From Mother’s Day to Christmas mosaic art ideas, and any holiday around the year, there’s a fun project out there.

No matter where your creativity takes you and your family during this time together, there’s an opportunity to make something positive and memorable. Making mosaic art will help keep you thinking ahead to the future, and you’ll have something long-lasting to enjoy or share as a gift.
We hope our DIY mosaic activities will help the time you spend at home feel more relaxing and productive! If you’ve been working on your own mosaic ideas during the quarantine, let us know about them in the comments!
For more inspirational ideas on mosaic design, be sure to check out our mosaic art creations! We carry mosaic art kits, a big selection of tile colors, and more.