Ancient and durable, mosaics were broadly used for floor decoration throughout history. However, wall mosaics became usual decorative elements in many major buildings during the Paleochristian era. This art technique has proven itself not only lasting and adaptable, but it also gave out a particular feeling of luxury, while the beauty of its images never seemed to fade. Even though the technique lost its popularity at one point, the effects it provided were irreplaceable by any other craft.
Brought back by the vibrant era of Art Nouveau, the mosaic decor is gaining popularity in recent years as its potential is constantly rediscovered. And while some may connect the art of tesserae primarily with floors, we are here to show you that s tiled artwork can look just as perfect on a wall.

Choose the Best Wall for a Mosaic
If you are considering putting a mosaic on one of your walls, there is a number of things you should consider. The first and the most important one is the placement or the selection of the wall. Due to their resistant features, tile decorated walls can be placed in any part of the home, limited only by design and the owner’s vision. However, we suggest that the wall you choose should be considered a special feature.
Traditionally, entrance halls are made to leave the best first impression on house guests and may serve as the ideal place to hang a mosaic. If an idea of spending more time with your home art appeals to you better, mosaic decor can be taken to the lounge, dining room, or even kitchen, while bathrooms decorated with tesserae evoke the feeling of Roman thermae. We must mention that not only walls are reserved to be decorated. Tiles can be used to cover any columns, architectural details, beams, ledges, window and door sills, staircases or any other prominent elements that define your home.
Finally, the location you choose should correspond with the feeling you wish to excite.
Decide on Dimensions and Form
While the dimensions of your mosaic will be determined by the location you choose, there will still be a little room to play with the form. Because this is a powerful, attention-demanding artwork, you will want to scale it to your space. The process is similar to selecting any other art piece: too massive and it might appear kitschy and out of place; too small and it may as well not be there.
Once you’re certain that the dimensions are right, you can start thinking about the form. Mosaics come in all shapes and sizes, they are made with different techniques and have different textures. While the ancient ones were embedded directly into walls, modern mosaics can be treated as paintings, framed and hung up. Possibilities are therefore much greater than when buying a single piece at a gallery, since your inlay piece can either cover a whole wall, a section of it, or you can opt for getting one large framed piece or several smaller ones, neatly arranged in their designated space. When you get the idea of the format of the mosaic you need, we advise thinking about the visual style of your most distinguished wall.
Choose the Style of Your Mosaic Wall
Artistic style or design of your mosaic wall is its most important feature. Commissioning a piece of tesserae art is similar to art collecting, and perhaps even more serious. If you opt to embed it directly into a wall, know that opinion changes are not welcome in the future. To be plain – a mosaic wall is there to stay. This is why it can be prudent to get one in a frame, one that you can move, gift or sell when you get tired of it, but if you are set on something permanent, take your time to meditate on the visuals you will forever like.
Mosaic designs are countless and they can be roughly grouped into abstract and figurative. Still, these basic styles range from ancient patterns to elaborate floral designs, or from geometric figures to realistic portraits of people. Many contemporary mosaicists are skilled in reproducing famous works of art, so if there is a work you always wanted close, this may be a way to get it. Drawing inspirations from the world, your tiled wall can reminisce of a particular culture, city, story or an item, or it can even feature actual portraits of you and your family members. There are no limits, but we do advise that the commissioned piece is harmonious with its surroundings in both style and palette and that it’s not the best choice to go for bold imagery if you are even the least bit uncertain. Your mosaic wall needs to fit into your environment, not disrupt it.
Secret is in the Details
Once you’re certain on the style and size of the mosaic wall you want, there are several more details to consider. Considered elite for a very long time, this art technique has always been an expensive way to decorate an interior. If you need the commission to fit into your budget, you should know that size, labor, and materials all influence the final price. Originality and sophistication can do the same, but they are crucial in determining an artistic value of the final artwork, which can be an important factor should you ever decide to sell the piece or your current home.
An integral part of your interior design, an art piece made with tiles is there to create a special atmosphere. Grandiose or elegant, the piece ought to correspond with your personality and to awaken positive emotions in you and your household. Inspiring and impressive, mosaics are also bold design statements and should be applied in suitable doses. Borderline lustrous, dramatic or completely minimal pieces can work magnificently, but they should be handled with care, with careful consideration of the surroundings. This is where you should talk with the artist and listen to their professional advice, and perhaps consult an interior designer as well. If you approach the challenge of choosing a mosaic wall in a responsible way, we guarantee that the result will leave you delighted.
If you liked this article, you may also want to read: 2018: The Year Ahead In Mosaic Home Decor
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