Often we are overwhelmed by the negativity all around us to see the beauty in the little things. We surround ourselves with such reminders everyday, and still we forget to appreciate them. One of the many things that uplift us on a daily basis is art. So, we are here to remind you of the power of art through the breaking news on mosaics from all around the world!
1. Mosaic Pothole Art Is on the Rise
Since the beginning of the pandemic, we’ve all kept up with the toilet paper crisis and all the memes that graced our days with laughter. No doubt, we need some cheering up nowadays. If you have been following up with the trends and news, mosaic artists hopped on the trend to cheer us up. Mosaics made within potholes are a thing now where artists love nothing more than leaving mesmerizing surprises for any passersby. In Rogers Park, a group of artists have combined functionality, beauty, and creativity to transform potholes completely.

As part of their project, the artists, led by Tzippora Rhodes, used recycled bike parts to make these creative mosaics. As Rhodes said:
The project is an effort to make the area more accessible to all kinds of people, and perhaps make a walk or ride around Rogers Park and West Ridge a more joyous, art-filled experience.

2. Mosaics Invade the Coolest Cafes
During these challenging times, we all need a touch of unity to make us feel just a bit better. At Penn State, artist Chris Bonner wanted to create something to allow students to collaborate on a creation. Mainly, this collective effort will allow them to add their personal touch to a wall in a cafe that they will always spot within their community. What’s better than a daily reminder of the good and beauty within people.

This mosaics project is in the works and it will be featured in Penn State Lehigh Valley cafe. Students can use anything from wood to seashells to bring their creations to life. It is worth keeping our eyes open for this project!
3. When Mosaics and Music Clash

Artist Kathy Triplett is known for bringing in eclectic designs to the world. Ever since she was a little girl crafting has been her passion. In Depot Art Gallery in downtown Littleton, her most recent work is displayed for the world to enjoy. For this project, she combined her love for beedings to create a mosaic masterpiece that glorifies music. No doubt, this project is a great idea to upcycle old musical instruments into mosaics and art deco pieces.
4. Mosaics Glorify the Lord

In Mumbai, India Sister Vimala Joseph decided to dedicate her time to create a masterpiece to praise the lord. Religious mosaics are loved by believers all around the world. However, Sister Vimala used her architecture and design background to patiently pour her heart into her artwork. With the help of her sisters in their workshop, this mosaic artwork was born.

5. The Pandemic is Everywhere

Art will always hold a message. Sometimes, it is the only way to spread awareness on an important issue. Mendocino County artist Elizabeth Raybee used mosaics to express the vitality of pandemic preparedness to the public. We will come through together is a motto you can see on the mosaics created that sends waves of hope to anyone who passes by or enjoys this artwork. She also included scenes from the normal daily of the county as a reminder that those days are coming back.

We hope this small list of mosaics will brighten your day. It is a small reminder of the creativity around us that motivates us to see the glass half full.
Which one is your favorite design? And what crafts are you learning to pass time during lockdown?
Share with us in the comments below.
And if you have any inquiries on mosaics, please feel free to email us on sales@mozaico.com !